When you have just surpassed 10-years together as husband and wife what better way to celebrate your marriage than having a romantic, evening portrait session in Rome, Italy?
Rome is such an amazing city and of course there are many places you can chose but we left it up to Jana & Jeff as they know Rome intimately and only wanted to visit places that have a special place in their heart. Luckily for us it was one of those stunning weekends where the weather was not too hot and the crowds were not as insane as they normally are.
Our session started with a truly spectacular sunset overlooking Rome from Monteverde. The sky just magically flared and luckily for us we were there at just the right time. Afterwards we headed down to the stunning Castle San Angelo (which is pictured above) where one of my favorite pictures taken of the two of them was captured.
Rome truly is an incredibly picturesque city and especially at night where she really comes alive and to be able to photograph two wonderful and loving people such as Jeff and Jana was an experience I will not forget. Of course creating a stunning image such as the two of them in front of the Pantheon will be an image I will always look back on proudly as the magic of that night was captured in that single frame…
But like all wonderful evenings it must eventually come to an end, and what better way to end their session than to visit Trevi Fountain. No matter what time of day or evening Trevi Fountain is a place where all lovers in Rome must come to and the promise of Trevi is – you will eventually come back! And therein lies the magic of Rome, such an incredible city you will always want to come back and relive those special memories of a beautiful, romantic evening in Rome!
To Jana & Jeff, congratulations! You two are not only two wonderful people, but parents and friends and those of us who know you are richer for it. I hope the two of you receive a lifetime of enjoyment out of these beautiful images captured on your behalf! Wishing you both continued happiness, success and much love in your lives together!
– And a special thanks to my new assistant in Italy, David who did a wonderful job assisting on this shoot – looking forward to working with you again and very soon.
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