Spinning his bride in the Old Town Square of Prague

Spinning his bride in the Old Town Square of Prague

QT spins his bride2be Leinan as the sun flares vividly beneath them in the Old Town Square of Prague during their sunrise pre wedding photography session. This wonderful couple traveled over from China for one of the most important things in their lives up until that time: their pre wedding photo session. These sessions have become the highlight of their wedding day celebratory slide show. For many couples showcasing their western attire and the wonderful locations that they have traveled to is a wonderful way to celebrate their upcoming union. These two were incredibly sweet, generous and trusting. They basically stated that they wanted a mixture of styles that showcase them looking good. This image is one of many they shared during that wonderful morning in the Old Town Square. Just two people having the time of their lives during their pre wedding in Prague.

Spinning his bride2be in the golden light of a deserted Old Town Square at sunrise

Prague Portrait Studio

Weddings • Engagements • Pre Weddings • Portraits • Couples • Family • Corporate • Events • Branding

+420 776 069 384 • info@kurtvinion.com • © 2020 Kurt Vinion

Keywords: atmosphere (18), Authentic Love (32), happiness (263), Old Town Square (30), sunflared bride & grooms, Sunrise photos Prague (3), warmth (2).