A super moon illuminates lovers on the Charles Bridge

A super moon illuminates lovers on the Charles Bridge

Not only did Ray have a truly wonderful trip and a pre wedding portrait session planned for his beautiful girlfriend Enzo, but he wanted to make it official. So on a very special & romantic evening under a rare Super Moon, Ray got down on one knee and proposed to Enzo on top of one of the most romantic places in Europe: The Charles Bridge.

Enzo was clearly in shock and with tears running down her cheeks she smiled and quickly said yes. As a former magazine photographer who traded in social reporting for capturing these wonderful sessions where people are having fun and enjoying their lives together – it is evenings like this that make this work all the more special. There are really no words that I can express to sum up my feelings of being invited to capture this wonderful moment in two very special peoples lives.

To see more of this wonderful pre-wedding please visit our blog entry here.

Keywords: artistic engagement photos (9), artistic pre weddings (17), Charles Bridge (95), couple kissing in snow (6), Gorgeous Hong Kong Couples (14), Supermoon.