surprise marriage proposal Charles Bridge Prague

surprise marriage proposal Charles Bridge Prague

A surprise marriage proposal with musical accompaniment near the Charles Bridge in Prague with our latest couple from America.

The idea was simple: while she was on her European vacation with her best friend her boyfriend decided to fly to Prague and surprise her. On a very beautiful summer day while a string quartet played one of her favorite songs - a love letter and a vase of roses lay waiting next to her initials. Drawn there by a strange text message she immediately recognized her initials and read his love letter to her. As she teared up, he popped out from behind, hugged her and then quickly proposed - it was that beautiful. Sometimes a little planning and the help of having a local organizer / photographer can create the most memorable days in one young couples lives.

If you are looking for a specially organized marriage proposals we would be happy to speak with you about creating such a unique and wonderful experience.

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To have us capture your surprise marriage proposal simply use the contact button to receive our latest pricing and offers.

The musicians await with vase of roses and love letterfinding roses and a love letter with her name on it

watching his gf read a love letter I marriage proposalfinding a love letter I Prague marriage proposal

Keywords: Charles Bridge (95), marriage proposal (33), Prague (370), surprise marriage proposal (6).