dark & moody Hong Kong couple

dark & moody Hong Kong couple

Sharon kisses her fiancee Danny atop the Kampa Steps at the Charles Bridge in Prague during their Autumn pre-wedding photo session. Couples from all around the world are traveling to Prague to be photographed against its iconic gothic & medival skyline.

Sharon had visited Prague before and fell in love with it. When it came time for her pre-wedding instead of choosing Japan or Korea she and her fiancee Danny decided that Prague was their choice. On a beautiful Autumn day we headed out to capture this always smling & happy couple as they explored one of the most visually interesting cities in Europe. To top of their session we ended it atop the Charles Bridge where this picture was just one of the many beautiful & iconic photos that they had captured on that unforgettable day.

Keywords: Best pre weddings Prague, dark & moody pre weddings, Gothic pre weddings (2), iconic pre-wedding photos Prague, Kampa Steps (3), kiss atop Charles Bridge, red dress (6), urban adventures (7).