Portfolio of Reportages

Ice Cream Time in Sandy Row Belfast Ireland

1st Place Magazine Feature - The NPPA Best of Photojournalism

2nd Place Reportage - Czech Press Photo

Ice cream time in Belfast

BELFAST, N. IRELAND - JULY 11: As a roadblock burns in the Sandy Row district of West Belfast, Protestant children line up to buy ice cream before the start of the July 12th Celebrations. The celebrations, which are opposed by Catholics commemorate the 1690 victory of the Protestant English King William III at the Battle of the Boyne.

Ulster Freedom Fighter Shankill, Belfast

2nd Place News - Czech Press Photo

Ulster Freedom Fighter, Shankill Belfast

BELFAST, N. IRELAND - JULY 11: On the evening of the July 12th Celebrations, a masked UFF discharges his weapon in front of a massive bonfire in a show of strength in Shankill, Belfast. The UFF is a paramilitary group created by the Ulster Defence Association (UDA) tasked with launching paramilitary attacks on primarily Catholics killed at random, in what the group called retaliation for IRA actions or attacks on Protestants. It is believed the UDA/UFF were responsible for more than 400 deaths.

Lonely cowboy at the Bourbon Stockyards

LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY - MARCH 29: A bittersweet moment as the last cattle are loaded into pens after being sold off at the Bourbon Stock Yards ending 165 years in Louisville. The land comprising the stockyards were sold to the Home of the Innocence who will be building a new headquarters on the 20 acre site.

President George W Bush at Prague Castle

PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC - JUNE 5: U.S. President George W.Bush listens to remarks from Czech counterpart Vaclav Klaus at a press conference at Prague castle's Rothmazer Hall on June 5, 2007 in Prague, Czech Republic. Bush's visit comes admidst heightened tensions with Russia following President Vladimir Putin's statements regarding a possible U.S missile shield near to its borders. (Photo by Kurt Vinion/Getty Images)

IMF World Bank Violence in Prague

PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC - SEPTEMBER 26: Czech Riot Police break up a riot that engulfed the Vaclavske Namesti after an intense day of rioting broke out as the IMF/World Bank start their meetings in Prague. Early reports estimate that 18 police and 51 demonstrators have been injured with property damage estimates yet to be determined.

IMF/World Bank Protestor near a burning blockade

PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC - SEPTEMBER 26: An anarchist is seen carrying wood for a road block that had been set alight to keep police from entering a neighborhood that they took control of. An intense day of rioting broke out as the IMF/World Bank began their meetings in Prague. Early reports estimate that 18 police and 51 demonstrators have been injured with property damage estimates yet to be determined.

IMF/World Bank Protester Detained By Police

2nd Place - Czech Press Photo

PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC - SEPTEMBER 27: Policemen forcibly remove an IMF/World Bank protestor during night time clashes that broke out during the IMF/World Bank meetings in Prague. The city was ill equipped to handle the large scale protests and rioting that took place. An estimated 12,000 demonstrators were involved in the protests with over 900 people detained with 64 policemen and 20 demonstrators injured in the rioting that took place over several days in the Czech capital.