above Vrtba Garden

above Vrtba Garden

Wendy & Nicholas are two seriously fun, hip and very warm people. They hired me as their wedding photographer 7-years ago and we had an amazing time during their wedding day and photo session. In fact, one of their wedding portraits is an all time favorite of mine that has been featured in many blogs and photography websites (and stolen by a faux photographer in Australia).

A romantic embrace for bride & groom

The coolest thing besides being super cool people? They contacted me and asked if I was up for a special anniversary photo shoot in Prague. Of course I was in - after all these two are just those kinds of people and I knew that we would not only have a great time hanging out but create some truly mind blowing images.

We originally wanted to start our session at the Vrtba garden before sunrise but the fee to be at the garden was basically the same fee for a wedding, so we respectfully said, no thanks.

We did start their session at pre dawn and what followed are a collection of fun, relaxed, posed and yes, very stylish and seriously ass kick'n photos. We had candles, beautiful hand made lanterns from a souk in Dubai as well as Champagne too just to celebrate. All in all - a truly stunning collection of images. BTW yeah, Wendy is now a professional body builder who competes and wow - she looks gorgeous!

Presented below are a few sneak peeks from their incredible session - we will definitely post more when it is finally completed (or when they can finally pick their faves).

Sexy anniversary portrait W&N Charles Bridge

Watching sunrise over the Charles Bridge with Champagne

Location: Karmelitská 25 118 00 Praha 1 - Malá Strana, Prague, Czech Republic.

Keywords: atmospheric wedding photos Vrtba Garden (3), Vrtbovska Zahrada (2).