This adventurous couple were really game for anything. Though they had an incredible sunset with vivid colors about 30 minutes later the rain started to pour. At first we created some care free portraits of these two with their umbrellas but then they decided to forgo that and this is the result. They laughed, they sang and they hugged as they were totally drenched and as they recounted later - they had the time of their lives during an evening that they will never forget - thanks to their photos.
Sometimes when nature throws its worst at you just have to adapt and go with it and the results can be magical.
Keywords: Charles Bridge (133), Charles Bridge night portraits (4), dancing in the rain, ocf (41), Prague photographerpraguephotographer, praguelove prague, praguelovestories, praguetoday, praguewedding, rain portraits (2), Svatba (4), svatba2021, SvatebniFotograf, svatebniinspirace.