Kathy & Joshua – Creative & Art Directed Prague Pre-Wedding

A wonderful couple who chose to experience the magical night time romance of Prague for their pre wedding portrait session.

For many couples from Asia, Prague is a gem that has rarely been explored. Most couples know about Paris, London and who can forget those wonderful locations closer to home in Asia. But Prague has been quietly winning over many couples who explore here. With increcible architecture, beautiful gardens and for those adventurous couples who brave the early wake up call – the magical night time romance of its gas lamp lit cobblestone streets always leaves a favorable impression.

For our latest couple, the very sweet and warm Kathy & Joshua – Prague was an experience they will never forget. The bonus: they were able to have pictures (real film) taken during their own portrait session with their antique cameras.

The day of…

We began their session at the riverside in hopes of having a dramatic sunrise. Though it was not as expected, it was still a wonderful experience as they were able to see first hand a romantic sunrise over the historic skyline of the Charles Bridge. They were all smiles as the sun quickly warmed up their bodies and gave them the neccessary energy to explore.

We did stop along the way for several wonderful locations that were picture perfect before heading to the Old Town Square where the historic Astronomical Clock is located. Kathy & Joshua were quite keen on having many images captured here as the medieval clock is such a unique icon of Prague. From here we explored the Old Town square before walking back towards Mala strana. One of their requested locations was a secluded spot over the city – which I always enjoy taking couples to. It is a rare respite from walking around as you can simply sit and enjoy the scenery down below.

Our last location The Vrtba Garden was where they changed in to a second outfit and brought out some vintage cameras. As these two are camera buffs I wanted to incorporate that aspect of their personalities.

Just as quickly as our day started it came to an end. But everyone was all smiles as we headed out from the garden.

Presented here is a wonderful morning these two will be able to relive over and over again thanks to these beautiful moments.

For adventurous couples who desire something truy magical we always recommend getting up early and having a pre wedding before dawn.

To get an idea of how we approach this magical time (and the many types of sessions we can create) please visit this links on our main website:

Sunrise pre weddings and also check out our pre weddings as well!

night time pre wedding Prague

{Prague wedding photographer / lifestyle photographer / pre wedding photographer available worldwide}

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American photographer Kurt Vinion has been creating the highest standard in pre-weddings in Prague since 2008. Known for his atmospheric and beautiful portraits, Kurt is regularly called upon to capture portrait sessions for discerning clients around Europe.

If you are interested in having a gorgeous pre wedding – contact us today as we would love to work with you!

a sunrise & sunset pre-wedding portrait session in Prague with K+R

Kennis & Ripple are two really sweet people who will be marrying in Hong Kong in a few months. But before they exchange their ‘I do’s’ they decided to travel to Prague for their sunrise & sunset pre-wedding portrait session with yours truly.

They decided on a sunrise start on top of the Charles Bridge. Truth be told the Charles Bridge at sunrise feels more like Disneyland than the once peaceful oasis of calm it used to provide.  On this particular morning before the sun came up it was already quite busy so we decided to back away from the crowds and take it all in from a different location. Thankfully the bridge is large enough to accommodate everyone. Not only did we capture them during the pre-dawn we also backed up to give them time to stop, look around and take it all in. It is not often that you get a chance to view such a beautiful sunrise from Prague’s Charles Bridge.

Mother nature did her part by providing them with blueish purple sky that flared a deep Orange and it was truly unforgettable. As we work with a full lighting crew capturing these beautiful colors at night is not a problem. Kennis & Ripple clearly enjoyed the experience and were quite happy to exchange a warm hello to the other couples who were also being photographed as we made our way to the Old Town Square.

Sadly the Astronomical clock was covered in scaffolding so we simply took in the square’s architecture and especially the sunlight breaking over it which  created a wonderful atmosphere for these two.  My only regret was not having a long veil for Kennis to use to create some very stylish images of the bride-to-be. But truth be told, this is a couples portrait session and ultimately that is what they want: couples portraits.

After taking a walk around and seeing more sights we headed back to the already very busy Charles Bridge to capture more unique portraits at some of my favorite locations. One thing I enjoyed (and they absolutely loved it as well) were the many sun flare shots we were able to create during the Golden Light hour here. To complete our morning session we headed to the riverside. Some of their favorite images are of them simply sitting and taking it all in.

As this was a Sunrise and Sunset session we had a much needed break in the afternoon, and with a new hair & makeup look and a stunning red dress it was time to head out and capture more unique locations. For a late afternoon start there is no better location than the peaceful oasis of the Vrtba Garden. We were not the only photographers there during that time but nevertheless we were able to create some beautiful & stylish lit portraits overlooking the city below.  Prague Castle was our next stop before heading down to the Charles Bridge after the sunset.

Though we did not have an amazing sunset we did have one of those incredible mornings where the golden light  bathed us in its warmth and created some unique images.  One of the nicest things I will remember from this session is when Ripple (or as I like to call him Mr. Ripple) finally  let go and just laughed and laughed and laughed.  His smile and laughter are really infectious and Kennis being the sweetheart that she is lights up when he does as well. As a photographer I am very happy I met these two and were able to create something quite unique for them and about them as they really are a sweet couple.

The following collection of images are some of their chosen ones that they will be showing proudly to their family & friends during their upcoming wedding in Hong Kong. To Kennis & Ripple, I wish you both much luck, happiness and success in your new lives together as husband and wife.

Charles Bridge at night, couple embracing, wedding dress, blue & pink sky, gas lamps

Charles Bridge at night, couple embracing, wedding dress, blue & pink sky, gas lamps

Prague, Charles Bridge sunrise, couple embracing, wedding dress, yellow sky, sun flare, statues

Prague, Charles Bridge sunrise, couple embracing, wedding dress, yellow sky, sun flare, statues

Prague, Charles Bridge, couple portrait, wedding dress, statues

Prague, Charles Bridge, couple portrait, wedding dress, sun flare, Powder Tower

Prague, Charles Bridge, couple portrait, wedding dress, sun flare, Powder Tower

Prague, Charles Bridge, couple portrait, holding hands, love locks, yellow colors

Prague, Charles Bridge, happy couple, wedding dress, love locks, Prague Castle

Prague, happy couple, wedding dress, sun flare, moody portrait, happy couple

Prague, happy couple, sun flare, caressing her face, smiling bride

Prague, happy couple, sun flare, couple embracing in the sun

Prague Old Town Square, groom portrait, Tyn Church, sun flare

Prague Old Town Square, wedding couple embracing, Tyn Church, sun flare

Prague Old Town Square, vintage bridal portrait, wedding dress, blue sky, statues

Prague riverside, wedding couple sitting, holding hands, swans, Charles Bridge

Prague riverside, wedding couple walking, holding hands, Charles Bridge, swans

Prague riverside, wedding couple embracing, Charles Bridge, swans

Prague riverside, wedding couple walking holding hands, Charles Bridge, swans

Prague Vrtba Garden, red dress, young couple embracing, holding hands

Prague Vrtba Garden, St. Nicholas Church, red dress, young couple embracing, holding hands

Prague Vrtba Garden, St. Nicholas Church, Prague Castle, red dress, young couple walking

Prague Vrtba Garden, red foliage, red dress, happy young couple, tiara

Prague Vrtba Garden, red foliage, red dress, happy young couple, tiara

Prague Vrtba Garden, Prague Castle, red dress, happy young couple, tiara

Prague Vrtba Garden, Prague Castle, red dress, happy young couple, tiara

Prague Vrtba Garden, Prague Castle, red dress, embracing, happy young couple

Prague Vrtba Garden, St. Nicholas Church, red dress, couple walking, wide angle lens, skyline

Prague Castle, young couple playing with leaves, red dress

Prague Castle, young couple walking hand in hand, castle guard shacks, St. Vitus, blue sky

Prague Castle, young couple holding hands, red dress, night image, St. Vitus, blue sky

Prague Castle, young couple sitting, embracing, red dress, night image, St. Vitus, blue sky

Prague Castle, young couple standing, red dress, night image, St. Vitus, blue sky

Prague Charles Bridge, young couple, red dress, sitting smiling lady, standing man

Prague Charles Bridge, young couple, red dress, embracing, night time photo


Portrait Locations:  Charles Bridge, Old Town Square, Riverside, Vrtba Garden, Prague Castle, Charles Bridge

{pre wedding photo Prague  / Lifestyle & Engagement photographer / pre wedding photographer available worldwide}

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To have us capture your beautiful wedding day or your fabulous pre wedding or E-session simply contact us here for our latest brochure and info.

a night time lifestyle / fashion photography engagement session in Prague with A+D (USA)

Just like fashion photography styles come and go. There has been a recent trend (that is already fading) of simply putting every couple dead center in the frame, shooting horizontally with very shallow depth of field (35mm or 50mm at 1.2) and have them cuddle up (like the are freezing) and let us not forget to underexpose so that there are no details really in their faces and everything looks dark & gloomy…or as most now do – slap on a VSCO filter in Lightroom… Truth be told that particular style looks great but what about the other images from that session? Do you really wish to have 20, 30, 40 images of the same thing?

One of the latest trends that has really caught on is simply capturing two people in an unobtrusive style – one where the shots look like ‘grab shots’. Some call it lifestyle portraits while others call it fashion photography or fashion catalog. When done well the reality of this particular style lies somewhere in between documentary photography and classic portraiture. A documentary photographer will have the ‘fly on the wall’ approach, catching life as it happens without trying to interfere – which is the look this style is really striving for. While the classical portraiture photographer is concerned (or obsessed like the old timers) about what is in the frame, the light (and type of light) the clothes and of course he or she will be very concerned about the subjects body position, the angle of their head(s) or how their hands are placed (which is actually something that drives me up the wall)…

My own lifestyle photography sessions (not that I am arrogant enough to say what the actual definition of it truly is) is a mixture of the authentic and staged. Though I am keen on shooting what actually happens in real life the reality is I would never be able to capture such a diversity of images  unless I was there to direct as well as use light in a way that is flattering. Most sessions are 2-4 hours and as such you have to take a bit of control. Just like in classical (or traditional) portraiture, I am still choosing to control a few things (such as the lighting) or at times placing the couple to maximize the beauty of the location (or decreasing the amount of background ‘noise’ such as people and cars) and placing their bodies in a way to make them look better overall (thinner, taller, sexier…).

When one of our latest couples, the successful Amanda & Derrick (who live in sunny California) contacted us she mentioned she was keen on a certain blogger: @wendyslookbook.  As Amanda wrote ‘she is a fashion Instagram person but she has a lot of photos with her boyfriend that I admire. I love that she uses a lot of beautiful architecture as her background for photos.‘  What I enjoyed about this work is how clean the images were (no people or distracting objects) and how the colors of the outfits truly stood out (which is what she is pushing). The photography is beautifully executed (considering there is very little or not artificial lights) and is something you would expect with a successful Instagram blogger (1.2M followers) who is successfully making a profession out of it.

With Amanda and Derrick the idea was roughly the same, capture them in a way that looks unobtrusive & natural and use their choice of the Charles Bridge as the starting point. Our shooting was mostly before dawn (lighting assistant definitely required) and instead of colorful outfits they wore black or dark tones – against a black or dark sky…  And lastly, instead of having many single portraits we have two stylish & hip people experiencing the goth & dark atmosphere of Prague. Funny enough I have met with two fashion bloggers (as well as photographed a lovely couple from Malaysia) who are wishing for this same style of shooting for their ‘brand’ so I think we will be seeing more sessions quite like this and soon.

A special thanks to Amanda & Derrick for allowing me to share some of their favorite images from their Prague session.


Prague Charles Bridge at night, young couple wearing black, holding hands, gas lamps

Prague Charles Bridge at night, young couple wearing black, holding hands standing under gas lamps

Prague Charles Bridge at night, young couple wearing black, kissing embracing, gas lamps
Prague Charles Bridge at night, stylish young couple wearing black, holding each other
Prague Charles Bridge at night, stylish young couple wearing black, looking at each other
Prague Charles Bridge at night, stylish young couple wearing black
Prague Charles Bridge at night, blue sky, stylish young couple wearing black, gas lamps

Prague Charles Bridge at night, blue sky, stylish young couple wearing black, gas lamps

Prague Charles Bridge at sunrise, dark blue sky, stylish young couple wearing black, gas lamps

Prague Charles Bridge, dark blue sky, stylish young couple walking wearing black, gas lamps

Prague Charles Bridge, dark grey sky, stylish young couple walking wearing black, gas lamps

Prague, Kampa steps, stylish young couple walking wearing black, wide angle photo

Prague Charles Bridge, stylish young couple posing, birds flying, blue sky

Prague Charles Bridge, stylish young couple holding hands

Prague Charles Bridge, stylish young couple holding hands walking down steps

Prague, stylish young couple walking, holding hands, street scene

Prague, stylish young couple kissing in front of tram with lights on

Prague Charles Bridge, stylish young couple kissing near riverside with swans

Prague Charles Bridge, stylish young couple kissing near riverside with swans

Prague Charles Bridge, stylish young couple near riverside with swans

Prague Charles Bridge, stylish young couple near riverside, embracing

Prague, garden location, stylish young couple holding flower

Prague, garden location, stylish young couple, kissing, hands showing engagement ring


Prague Locations:  Charles Bridge, Kampa, Malostranske, Na Plavka (riverside), park

{pre wedding photo Prague  / Lifestyle & Engagement photographer / pre wedding photographer available worldwide}


To have us capture your beautiful wedding day or your fabulous pre wedding or E-session simply contact us HERE for our latest brochure and info.

Vrtba garden elopement wedding with KA&S (USA)


A vrtba zahrada  / garden wedding in Prague with Kaivel Ann & Stan (USA)

Kaivel Ann & Stan (USA) destination wedding in Prague, Czech Republic by Kurt Vinion

Kaivel Ann & Stan are two very lovely people who found love in the skies. As both of them work for an airline they have traveled extensively around the world.  Even though they know many exotic & wonderful places, they chose Prague for their destination wedding as they both love this city of 100 spires with its cobblestone streets, incredible architecture and captivating history.

When Kaivel Ann contacted me about her wedding day, I was truly taken in by her warmth and her utter joy that she expressed in her original email to me. I was so taken in by her writing that when I met them I already felt I knew them both.  These two are both very visibly smitten with each other so having their wedding day captured exactly as they envisioned was quite important to them.

Their choice of wedding venue, the stunning Vrtba Garden and as they timed their wedding at the right time of year, the garden provided them with a luxuriant array of colors to add to the already unforgettable atmosphere. Reds, greens and yellows provided the main color scheme of their garden wedding and the mixture of Baroque architectural elements as well as the layout of the garden itself created a fairy tale atmosphere that is and always has been picture perfect.

To make it that much more special they brought their close friends and family members with them to share in the joy. There were quite a few tears shed as these two said their ‘I do’s’ and a very heart felt embrace during that wonderful moment under the Baroque paintings above them. What I especially enjoy was capturing the pure love that these two shared on that wonderful day and how much fun we had in showing them the sights. Though the rain did come, it did not put a dampener on these two and if anything added to the fun we all had.

Presented here is the very simple, yet elegant layout that we did of their beautiful wedding book, one that they are no doubt sharing with their family & friends.

To Kaivel Ann & Stan, thank you both for choosing me to capture this incredible time in your lives together. It was a true pleasure getting to know you and capturing these wonderful moments of that day in Prague.

Wedding Planning: Royal Weddings

Kaivel Ann & Stan (USA) destination wedding in Prague, Czech Republic by Kurt Vinion

Kaivel Ann & Stan (USA) destination wedding in Prague, Czech Republic by Kurt Vinion

Kaivel Ann & Stan (USA) destination wedding in Prague, Czech Republic by Kurt Vinion

Kaivel Ann & Stan (USA) destination wedding in Prague, Czech Republic by Kurt Vinion

Kaivel Ann & Stan (USA) destination wedding in Prague, Czech Republic by Kurt Vinion

Kaivel Ann & Stan (USA) destination wedding in Prague, Czech Republic by Kurt Vinion

Kaivel Ann & Stan (USA) destination wedding in Prague, Czech Republic by Kurt Vinion

Kaivel Ann & Stan (USA) destination wedding in Prague, Czech Republic by Kurt Vinion

Kaivel Ann & Stan (USA) destination wedding in Prague, Czech Republic by Kurt Vinion


Kaivel Ann & Stan (USA) destination wedding in Prague, Czech Republic by Kurt Vinion

Kaivel Ann & Stan (USA) destination wedding in Prague, Czech Republic by Kurt Vinion

Kaivel Ann & Stan (USA) destination wedding in Prague, Czech Republic by Kurt Vinion

Kaivel Ann & Stan (USA) destination wedding in Prague, Czech Republic by Kurt Vinion

Kaivel Ann & Stan (USA) destination wedding in Prague, Czech Republic by Kurt Vinion

Kaivel Ann & Stan (USA) destination wedding in Prague, Czech Republic by Kurt Vinion

Wedding Planning: Royal Weddings         Wedding Location: Vrtbovska Zahrada / Vrtba Garden        Portrait Locations: Vrtba, Letna, riverside / Charles Bridge

{Prague wedding photographer / lifestyle photographer / pre-wedding photographer available worldwide}

Email | Website | Facebook |

To have us capture your beautiful wedding day or your fabulous pre wedding or E-session simply contact us here for our latest brochure and info.


C&L (Macau) summer Engagement session in Prague

C&L (Macau) summer pre-wedding engagement in Prague

summertime pre-wedding photos in Prague_CL_001


C&L (Macau) summer Engagement session in Prague: without a doubt Prague is simply one of the most stunning locations for a pre wedding portrait session in Europe. You have the wonderful architecture, those amazing gardens and of course you have beautiful weather – especially in the summertime. Cecilia & Leong our latest and very stylish couple who traveled over from Macau wanted to simply soak up the atmosphere, the history the locations and just have a good time – not too many staged or posed images, just simply take in the city and especially enjoy the sites. Of course when you have two good looking and stylish people and this city – well, life isn’t too difficult to make them look great.

So with our small crew we did just that, we took in one of the most beautiful cities in the world on a warm, sunny summer day – in Prague. Presented here is a small sampling of beautiful, stylish images from their collection and their time spent here with us.

To Cecilia & Leong, on behalf of all of us here, we like to wish you much love, happiness and success in your future together. A big thanks to the crew: Kari, Zu and Eliska Matejkova (Hair & Makeup)

a summer pre wedding

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau / portraits at Letna Park

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau, by American photographer Kurt Vinion
a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau / portraits near the Topic building

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau, by American photographer Kurt Vinion
a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau / portraits atop the Charles Bridge

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau, by American photographer Kurt Vinion
a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau / near the National Theater

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau, by American photographer Kurt Vinion
a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau / at the Letna overlook

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau, by American photographer Kurt Vinion
a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau / portraits in Kampa Park

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau, by American photographer Kurt Vinion
a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau / portraits at the Charles Bridge

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau, by American photographer Kurt Vinion
a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau / portraits at Narodni Divadlo

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau, by American photographer Kurt Vinion
a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau / portraits at Letna Park

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau, by American photographer Kurt Vinion
a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau / riverside portraits near Lavka

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau, by American photographer Kurt Vinion
a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau / portraits near the Vltava

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau, by American photographer Kurt Vinion

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau, by American photographer Kurt Vinion

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau / portraits at Letna Park

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau, by American photographer Kurt Vinion

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau / portraits at Wallenstein Garden

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau, by American photographer Kurt Vinion

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau / portraits near the National Theater

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau, by American photographer Kurt Vinion

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau / portraits near the Charles Bridge

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau, by American photographer Kurt Vinion

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau / portraits on the Charles Bridge

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau, by American photographer Kurt Vinion

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau / portraits at Letna

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau, by American photographer Kurt Vinion

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau / portraits near the National Theater

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau, by American photographer Kurt Vinion

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau, by American photographer Kurt Vinion

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau / portraits near the National Theater

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau, by American photographer Kurt Vinion

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau / portraits near the Charles Bridge

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau, by American photographer Kurt Vinion

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau, by American photographer Kurt Vinion

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau / portraits at the riverside

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau, by American photographer Kurt Vinion

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau / portraits near the Charles Bridge

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau, by American photographer Kurt Vinion

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau / portraits near the National Theater

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau, by American photographer Kurt Vinion

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau / portraits at Letna Park

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau, by American photographer Kurt Vinion

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau / portraits at the National Theater

a summer pre wedding portrait session in Prague with C&L from Macau, by American photographer Kurt Vinion